Friday, May 23, 2014

Feeling the love

A Father to the Fatherless

    Growing up in a broken home was anything but easy. Sometimes we went without the basics like food, clean clothes or a bed to call our own. Sometimes we lived in our car and even once stayed in a church. I used to envy other families that had both parents at home.
    I first met my real dad when I was twelve. Getting to know him was a bit of a challenge, we were so different. One thing I remember most about my dad was when he put me on the bus to send me home after the first summer I stayed with him, I couldn't wait to get out of there. I looked out the bus window and he was crying. Right then I knew he cared for me and I decided that I would work on this relationship.
   It was difficult from the beginning; he was born in the south and i was raised in California. Half the time I had no idea what he was saying and his choice of “country food and ways” were not what I was accustom to. My first visit to North Carolina (which is my birthplace) was like entering another world. We had a “pig picking” in my honor, it’s a big family barbeque and you roast a whole pig. The night before everyone arrived I woke in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Sitting there in my sleepy state I was suddenly startled wide awake staring at a whole pig, head and all, covered in ice, laying in the bathtub next to me.
   We have spent many happy years just getting to know each other. We don’t always agree on a lot of things but we are ok with that, we choose just to love and enjoy each other.
   It wasn't until I was older that I came to realize every family is dysfunctional to some degree. Some of us never meet our fathers and some of us wish we never knew them. Life isn't perfect, but we have a perfect heavenly father who loves us with the true “unconditional love” that we all desire. He wants his children to succeed more than anyone else and is the proudest dad that ever existed.
Psalm 68:4, 5
   Sing to God, sing praise to His name, extol Him who rides on the clouds – His name is the Lord – and rejoice before Him. 
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. (NIV)
The Message Bible says it like this, “Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in his holy house. God makes homes for the homeless, leads prisoners to freedom, but leaves rebels to rot in hell.”
This is the most recent photo and one of my favorites
My dad was a prison guard for years, he was highly respected.

I just love this photo.
This is my dad naturally, loved by little old southern grandmas everywhere. (he doesn't smoke anymore)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


One afternoon I took my three kids to the movies. We were all seated and ready to watch when I decided to make a last minute dash to the restroom. I was on the inside row by the wall so I had to squeeze myself by all three kids to get out to the aisle. When I came to my middle daughter I thought it would be funny to sit on her lap. Well, my foot caught on something, I think it was my son’s gigantic feet and I tripped and landed on my back in the middle of the aisle.
 By this time I had caused enough commotion for people to really take notice. I had become quite a traffic jam for the movie goers. They stood there with their jumbo sized popcorn and soda in hand, staring down at me in wonderment. I was humiliated! I also bent all my fingernails back trying to keep from falling all the way to the floor. To add insult to injury, when I was able to get myself off the floor, I found all three children looking straight forward pretending they didn't notice.
This reminds me of my personal life, I often “fall” or make mistakes, usually on a daily basis.

 I must remind myself that stumbling or falling does not disqualify me from the love of God. The mistakes I make are not shocking to Him, and He would never abandon or turn His back on me out of embarrassment.  He definitely sees my potential and has promised to continue to work in me until he returns. That is very good news! When I slip up, I’ll pick myself up and not worry what those around think. I may not walk perfectly but his plan for me is perfect and he is patient and willing to carry on that work to completion. I think that makes everyone happy.

Philippians 1:6
I am confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the               day of Christ Jesus.

 These are the lovely three that left me there on the ground like a human speed bump. They are now grown and bring me no end of joy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dust Motes

Floating Particles

  My three year old grandson stood in the sunlight that streamed through the living room windows. With his mouth wide open and his tongue hanging out he was catching the dust particles floating around the room. With a big grin he would swallow and say, “mmm, it’s good grandma!”
  In reality all he tasted was dust, he just didn't recognize it.
How often do I walk around chasing dust motes? Why am I so attracted to the ever-changing ideals the world calls desirable? If only I were better looking, if I had more money, if I could travel more, if I were more popular or smarter, these are like floating particles all around me and I chase after them thinking they will make my life better. In reality I am never satisfied, I am constantly looking for something else to give me peace and happiness but end up feeling empty.
  Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!

   Our loving Father offers us only the finest. He offers a blessed life and His unfailing and unmerited love, why would we settle for less? Changing my focus to the good things God has for me is where I find true satisfaction. My life is a much happier one when I look to him and draw from his word. It's not that I never have needs or problems but he helps me through it all and makes it all easier to handle. His love and words toward me are like the richest fare that go down deep and cause fullness in life.

 chocolate pudding mustache.