Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dust Motes

Floating Particles

  My three year old grandson stood in the sunlight that streamed through the living room windows. With his mouth wide open and his tongue hanging out he was catching the dust particles floating around the room. With a big grin he would swallow and say, “mmm, it’s good grandma!”
  In reality all he tasted was dust, he just didn't recognize it.
How often do I walk around chasing dust motes? Why am I so attracted to the ever-changing ideals the world calls desirable? If only I were better looking, if I had more money, if I could travel more, if I were more popular or smarter, these are like floating particles all around me and I chase after them thinking they will make my life better. In reality I am never satisfied, I am constantly looking for something else to give me peace and happiness but end up feeling empty.
  Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!

   Our loving Father offers us only the finest. He offers a blessed life and His unfailing and unmerited love, why would we settle for less? Changing my focus to the good things God has for me is where I find true satisfaction. My life is a much happier one when I look to him and draw from his word. It's not that I never have needs or problems but he helps me through it all and makes it all easier to handle. His love and words toward me are like the richest fare that go down deep and cause fullness in life.

 chocolate pudding mustache.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Angey. You really should think about becoming a writer or something!;)
